Who am i

Alessio Papa was born in Viterbo. He attended the “Tuscia” art high school in Viterbo and later the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, specializing in painting, where he began studying Renaissance Mannerism and Neomannerism. He concluded his academic career in 2004 with a thesis on artistic anatomy titled “Anatomy in the Paintings of Parmigianino.”

In his paintings, the artist distorts the anatomy of the human figure, elongating it sometimes even unnaturally, a characteristic of the Great Masters of the late Renaissance, a period known for Vasari’s term “art of manner” or “Mannerism.”

Since 2013, Alessio Papa has abandoned the “neomannerist” style to embark on a much more personal search for the figure, breaking away from classical canons.

The figures become more vigorous, warmer, and more contemporary compared to the past, becoming the absolute masters of the painting, creating a more spiritual and less earthly universe.

Thus, Alessio Papa’s paintings become a means for the viewer to project into the dream, going beyond reality, creating a visionary world. This new artistic trend is called “Neo-Symbolism,” a term attributed to him by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.

The artist has participated in various art competitions in Italy and abroad, always garnering much interest from critics and the public, standing out for his technique, creativity, and the cultural elaboration of his works.

Additionally, Alessio Papa has held significant solo and group exhibitions, including the Milan Biennale, Palermo Biennale, Creativity Biennale in Verona, the “Metropolitan Empire Prize” at the MoMA in New York, and other important exhibitions worldwide. The artist is also part of the “Sgarbi-Cavallini Collection” in Ferrara and is featured in prestigious art catalogs, including the notable and historic Mondadori catalog No. 57 and 58. He is also featured in the June 2021 issue of Mondadori’s “Arte” magazine and in the “Special Market” section of “Arte” Mondadori in January 2022. His works are reviewed and appraised by the most important art critics and experts. Additionally, Alessio Papa’s works have been auctioned at various auction houses on the Arsvalue portal.

I consider Art to be everything beautiful in the human spirit, everything that man has communicated through the centuries to his fellow humans, leading them to the knowledge of their own self and uniting people through culture and knowledge.

Analyzing my painting, one can deduce a mixture of history, fantasy, and a sense of beauty. A journey that starts from the highest artistic expression reached in the Renaissance, passes through the nineteenth-century dreamlike universe of Symbolism, and is projected to the present day through that mythological metaphor of Classicism.

An art that objects to today’s avant-garde movements to sensitively enter the soul and psycho-emotional state of the viewer, capturing in them that call to curiosity and complete capture through chromaticism in that dreamlike world where the human being tends to catapult themselves.


Alessio Papa


  • 2007 – Solo exhibition, Viterbo.
  • 2008 – Solo exhibition, Viterbo.
  • 2008 – Group exhibition, Viterbo.
  • 2008 – Group exhibition, Chieti.
  • 2008 – Group exhibition, Rome.
  • 2009 – Group exhibition, Vicenza.
  • 2009 – Group exhibition, Cremona.
  • 2009 – Solo exhibition at “La Spadarina” gallery, Piacenza.
  • 2009 – Group exhibition, Bolsena (VT).
  • 2009 – Group exhibition, Tallinn (ESTONIA).
  • 2009 – Group exhibition, Padua.
  • 2009 – Expo art, Padua.
  • 2010 – Group exhibition, Venice.
  • 2010 – Group exhibition, Portovenere (SP).
  • 2010 – Group exhibition, Paris (FRANCE).
  • 2010 – Expo art, Forlì.
  • 2010 – Group exhibition, Bari.
  • 2010 – Solo exhibition, Olbia.
  • 2010 – Group exhibition, Florence.
  • 2011 – Solo exhibition, Viterbo.
  • 2011 – Group exhibition, Villa S. Giovanni in Tuscia (VT).
  • 2011 – Solo exhibition, Alghero.
  • 2011 – “Celebrations of Michelangelo Buonarroti,” Rome.
  • 2011 – Rome Triennale.
  • 2011 – “Sylphs, Mermaids, Sibyls” group exhibition, Rome.
  • 2012 – Solo exhibition at “Art Vision Gallery,” Civitanova Marche (MC).
  • 2013 – “Festival of Two Worlds,” Spoleto (PG).
  • 2013 – “International Biennial of Contemporary Art,” Chicago (USA).
  • 2013 – Group exhibition, Locri (RC).
  • 2013 – Group exhibition, Assisi (PG).
  • 2013 – Solo exhibition, Spoleto (PG).
  • 2013 – Group exhibition, Venice.
  • 2013 – VI Contemporary Art Group Exhibition – Venice Biennale.
  • 2013 – Group exhibition “MIIT Museum,” Turin.
  • 2014 – Creativity Biennale in Italy, Verona.
  • 2014 – Group exhibition, Monreale (PA).
  • 2014 – Germany Biennale, Baden-Baden (GERMANY).
  • 2014 – Spoleto Biennale (PG).
  • 2014 – Group exhibition, Monte Carlo (MONACO).
  • 2014 – Group exhibition, Naples.
  • 2014 – “Spoleto Art Meets Venice,” Venice – curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.
  • 2014 – 1st International Art Biennale of Durres, Durres (ALBANIA).
  • 2014 – Group exhibition, Eclettica Association, Spoleto (PG).
  • 2015 – 2nd International Art Biennale of Palermo.
  • 2015 – Group exhibition at the Canova Museum in Possagno (TV) – curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.
  • 2015 – Group exhibition “From Caravaggio to the Present Day,” Piazza del Popolo, Rome.
  • 2015 – International Biennale of Barcelona (SPAIN).
  • 2016 – Group exhibition, Palermo Museum.
  • 2016 – Group exhibition “Contemporaries in the City of the Uffizi” (FI).
  • 2017 – 1st Mediterranean Biennale, Palermo.
  • 2017 – “Pro-Biennale” – curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Venice.
  • 2017 – “Contemporaries in the Bramante Rooms,” Rome.
  • 2017 – “Emergency Room” artists “cured” by Vittorio Sgarbi, Monreale (PA).
  • 2017 – “Spoleto Art” towards Caravaggio, (MALTA).
  • 2017 – Milan Biennale presented by Vittorio Sgarbi, Milan.
  • 2017 – Solo exhibition at “Elle” gallery, Preganziol (TV).
  • 2017 – Metropolitan Empire Prize – MoMa, New York (USA).
  • 2017 – “Spoleto Pavilion,” Venice.
  • 2017-2018 – “Gallery Club,” Palermo.
  • 2018 – Nations Biennale, Venice.
  • 2018 – Solo exhibition “Kylix, contemporary art container,” Vetralla (VT).
  • 2018 – International Biennale of Flanders, Bruges (BELGIUM).
  • 2019 – Mantua Artexpo, Mantua.
  • 2020 – Artists ’20, Florence.
  • 2021 – Artists ’21, Galerie Thuillier, Paris (FRANCE).
  • 2022 – “Belle Epoque Romana,” Coffee House Palazzo Colonna, Rome.
  • 2022 – “Rome-Cairo, the Beginning of the Journey,” Egyptian Arab Embassy, Rome.
  • 2022 – FITCE
  • 2022, Broward County Florida, Miami (USA).
  • 2023 – “Art Basel,” Miami (USA).


Awards 2009

  • “Palladio d’oro” Vicenza.
  • “Premio Giotto” Padova.
  • “Premio Internazionale Estonia” Tallinn.
  • “Premio internazionale L. da Vinci” Lecce.
  • “Premio speciale diritti umani Martin Luther King” Brindisi.

Awards 2010

  • “Premio Grandi Firme dell’Arte Contemporanea” Cesenatico (FC).
  • “Premio Città del Vaticano” Accademia Santa Sara, Alessandria.
  • “Medaglia al merito artistico Città del Vaticano” Accademia Santa Sara, Alessandria.
  • 1° premio “Città di Alessandria” Alessandria.
  • “Premio V. Tirasacchi” Vetralla (VT).
  • “Scintille d’Arte a Portovenere” Portovenere (SP).
  • “L’Arma dei Carabinieri, tra Arte e Società” Bari.
  • “Premio Alba 2010” Ferrara.
  • “Premio Guglielmo II” Monreale (PA).

Awards 2011

  • “Premio Parmigianino” Firenze.
  • “Arte in Passerella” Palermo.

Awards 2012

  • Premio “Le Quattro Fenici” Roma.
  • “Premio Città di Washington” (USA).

Awards 2013

  • “Premio Afrodite” Vicenza.
  • “Premio Michelangelo” Firenze.

Awards 2014

  • Accademico presso l’Accademia per le Scienze Applicate, Roma.

Awards 2017

  • Premio Internazionale “ArteMilano”, Milano.

Awards 2018

  • “Premio Eccellenza Europea delle Arti”, Roma, Barcellona (SPA), Parigi (FRA).